About Us


Meet Patty

Patty - the one you will hear before you see her. She may be the first one you see at Oh Snap!, or you may see her all over our instagram. Her dog Rhylea is often by her side, or wandering the Airship coffee shop. Patty has been the mastermind behind the flavors of Oh Snap! . Patty is a full time photographer, videographer and paramedic....but will spend the rest of her time here at the Oh Snap! truck!


Meet Haley

Haley - Haley's grandfather taught her the valuable lesson that it is best to end every day with a cup of ice cream. Haley holds tight to that lesson still today, and has also passed that love on to her vizsla Burton, and niece Maddie. Haley is a full time web developer/designer so spends a lot of time behind a computer.....but is looking forward to stepping away for some time at Oh Snap! 


The Test Taster

Madeline Sanders - Haley's 4 year old niece. Haley and Maddie both have an obsession with ice cream! Maddie is our official taste tester. Nothing gets served without her approval! And she holds her job VERY seriously! 🙂

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